Good bye summer, hello fall! Welcome back muddy boots and warm drinks. The leaves are starting to change colours here at Arrowvale as we pass yet another equinox and delve into the season of rest. While Bob and Ann escape for a much needed get away, the pumpkins in the field ripen into brilliant shades of orange. Soon tractor-pulled hayrides will be meandering down the farm road to Arrowvale’s pumpkin patch, delighting the youngsters of Port Alberni.
Morning visitors to the farm find themselves wading through the eerie fall mist as they search for the perfect shape and size for their spooky jack-o-lantern. In the afternoon you might find yourself gazing at the snowless peaks of Mt Arrowsmith against a dazzlingly blue sky.
Alternately, when we are blessed with an abundance of liquid sunshine as we often are on Vancouver Island’s ‘wet coast;’ little pumpkin hunters squeal delightedly, racing from one muddy puddle to another as if getting dirty was as critical to their happiness as warm hugs and kind words.
Beneath your umbrella you may find yourself in humble amazement at the wisdom of our young, effortlessly connecting with nature, expertly discovering through play. Welcome back fuzzy coats and apples from the tree. We missed you Autumn in Port Alberni!